Kana and the Untold Story
Cry To Those Using Babies As Shields
Biblical-Pseudepigraphal-Apocalyptic Studies, Theology, Philosophy, Textual Criticism, Archaeology, History
Others have denied facts, or asserted facts, in hopes of saving their lives, when they were under sentence of death: but these men attested a fact at the expence of their lives, which they might have saved by denying the truth. So that between criminals dying, and denying plain facts, and the apostles dying for their testimony, there is this material difference: criminals deny the truth in hopes of saving their lives; the apostles willingly parted with their lives, rather than deny the truth.
--The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Thomas Sherlock
Without the Jesus of history the Christ of faith is merely a docetic figure, a figment of pious imagination. The Christian religion claims to be founded on historic fact, on events which happened sub Pontio Pilato; and having appealed to history, by history it must be justified.
--George B. Caird, Jesus and the Jewish Nation
There is, to my apprehension, nothing more unreasonable, than to neglect and despise plain and sufficient evidence before us, and to sit down to imagine what kind of evidence would have pleased us; and then to make the want of such evidence an objection to the truth; which yet, if well considered, would be found to be well established.
--The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Thomas Sherlock
For just as, not existing before I was born, I knew not who I was, and only existed in the potentiality of fleshly matter, but being born, after a former state of nothingness, I have obtained through my birth a certainty of my existence; in the same way, having been born, and through death existing no longer, and seen no longer, I shall exist again, just as before I was not, but was afterwards born.Tatian believed (and said this not of himself alone, but of "we"--many other Christians), that a person only exists when he/she has a body. He/she does not exist before birth and once dead, will exist no longer until that day Yahweh raises him/her up corporeally to judgment.
--Tatian, Address to the Greeks, 6
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made...Other bibles translate it "by the seventh day" instead of "on" or "in" the seventh day so that the days of creation are six full days instead of six full days and part of the seventh.
And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done...
And God finished on the sixth day his works which he made...The sixth day translation would be the superior except for the fact that both the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Septuagint are translations of the Hebrew. In order to verify this as the correct ancient wording, what we need is a Hebrew script from ancient times which agrees with these other ancient texts against the late Masoretic ones. For that, we turn to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Unfortunately, the only words preserved in 4QGen are the words "...his...which...".