Saturday, August 12, 2006

Fav NT Passage

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to ungrateful and evil people. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
--Luke 6:35-36, NET
I don't think I've ever read a more powerful passage in all scripture. This, right here, sums up the entire mission of Yeshua, what it means to be and to proclaim the kingdom of Israel's god. It unveils the character and nature of Israel's god, and yet simultaneously reveals in comparison our own nature and what is lacking. It calls us to take on this way, Yeshua's way, as the way of Israel's god, instead the way which isn't, our own.

When Yeshua is seen as enacting his own words in the telling of the message, of bringing in this kingdom through his own work of speaking it, we see in his flesh the mercy of Israel's god calling to her for her soul--of again chosing those as beloved whom turned against him to be his enemy, even Israel. Who is this man who calls by the authority of his own word saying do thus and be reconcilled? Who is this man by whom restoration is proclaimed, who reverses the curse by turning it to blessing? How great must he be to conquer that which is natural to mankind's being! To walk in such a way makes a resurrection from death almost irrelevant, for death--the death of man's way--has already been destroyed in him whom is living.

It makes us wonder, what is going to be lent by him? What good will he do, knowing what he gives cannot be given back nor would be? There is an expectation that if this man speaks true, if what he shows is the way of the living god, if he is enacting this way in the sight of those who hear and chose to follow, that they will be sons of the living god because of him.


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