A Theological Parable

On the left is a fish. On the right is a man. One day, the fish decided it wanted to kill the man and take his place on the Earth. It gathered a school about itself and went to war against the man, but the man overcame the fish and cast it and its school into the sea. Since that day, the fish has been constantly interferring in the plans of the man and leading his children to ruin and destruction. But the day will come when this fish and its school makes a final war on the man's children. It will be a tough and bloody war between the fish and the children, but the fish will finally see its end.
Do you believe that could happen?
Here is the explanation of the parable... The fish is the Satan. The man is God. The man's children are human beings.
The object lesson is that just as a fish is like a dumb and powerless animal in comparison with the man, so the Satan even if he was an exalted angelic being, is incomprehensibly inferior to an eternal and Almighty God. To believe that the Satan could ever have contemplated displacing God and ruling in his place and then do great things against mankind in which mankind is virtually powerless is as absurd as a fish doing so to a man or to a little child. What is the fish going to do, flap man to death with its tail? An intilligent fish would know it could do nothing was was completely powerless. A dumb, senseless animal would not do this anyway.
So it is with the Satan. What is he going to do? Overthrow a being who is infinitely surperior to himself--a being on whom his very existence is dependant? If he is at all intelligent, he could never entertain the thought. And if he isn't intelligent at all, if he is like a dumb, senseless animal, then he wouldn't try in the first place anyway. The entire concept is unrational and absurd.
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